

正在播放:空中怪客 高清版 电影

空中怪客 【电影】


空中怪客 高清版


导演:罗伯特·奥特曼 主演:詹妮弗·绍特 伯特·莱姆森 威廉·温德姆 玛格丽特·哈米尔顿 Dixie Taylor Gary Chason 迈克尔·墨菲 谢莉·杜瓦尔 雷内·奥博诺伊斯 巴德·库特 斯泰西·基齐 John Schuck 萨莉·凯勒曼 David Welch Bill Baldwin G·Wood Robert Warner Corey Fischer Richard Burch Dean Goss 

Brewster is an owlish, intellectual boy who lives in a fallout shelter of the Houston Astrodome. He has a dream: to take flight within the confines of……


Brewster is an owlish, intellectual boy who lives in a fallout shelter of the Houston Astrodome. He has a dream: to take flight within the confines of the stadium. Brewster tells those he trusts of his dream, but displays a unique way of treating others who do not fit within his plans. When the fateful day arrives, and he enters the dome with his fanciful construction of bird wings, Brewster is surrounded by the police. Will he be caught before he attempts to fly? Written by Rick Gregory


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