


简介:Sheng Jing Chu, a talented young Go layer, became famous with his dark horse osture and made a sensation in the Go world. He has never acceted any interviews and has become the subject of numerous media reorts. The trainee reorter Cheng Liao heled Sheng Jing Chu but was misunderstood as his girlfriend. The two of them ut u a fake front but fell in love. Sheng Jing Chu suffered a loss in the game and was driven out by his master. His life fell into a it but Cheng Liao suorted him and the two insired each other. Sheng Jing Chu honed his chess skills and with Cheng Liao’s media skills, become a new generation force that inherits the sirit of Chinese Go and attracted more young eole to the game.


主演:GOIntoYourHeart这部电影的主演主要有以下:李兰迪 牛骏峰 韩玖诺 秦天宇 朱嘉琦 曹博 何宣林 宋涵宇 陆骏瑶 夏铭浩 聂卫平 柯洁 梁冠华 攸佳宁 陆依婷 宋佳昌 

导演:2021年度颇有实力的导演--鞠觉亮 刘畅 

地区:来自中国大陆 的电影,今年在各大电影院一直都很火

类型:GOIntoYourHeart这部影片的类型归为--爱情 国产 



秦逍,你怎么跟到这里来?”鲁宏神情凛然:“这些事情与你无干,你为何要自己卷进来?”爱情 国产 竟然摘下酒葫芦,很悠闲地饮了一口,GOIntoYourHeart这才道:“刑曹发下调令之后,我也很奇怪,已经判定的案子怎么说变就变?这几天我私下里查了查,才发现这背后是中国大陆 的乔老板在作祟。”
